Excellent performance by the «Kazmedia ortalygy» chess players!


Excellent performance by the «Kazmedia ortalygy» chess players!

1. Chess tournament among employees of central government bodies and the media – 1st place team «Kazmedia ortalygy».

?On the team:
Ansabaev Sagynysh;
Tureshov Zhanbolat;

2. IX Chess Cup among media workers and bloggers of Kazakhstan.

?Ansabaev Sagynysh – 3rd place;
?Tureshov Zhanbolat – 4th place;

3. Team chess tournament among media representatives – 4th place team «Kazmedia ortalygy».

?On the team:
Sultanov Almas;
Robert Alois;
Zeinullina Meiramgul;
Nurushev Zhalel;
Imanali Anuar (Khabar 24);
Tureshov Zhanbolat;
Ansabaev Sagynysh;

We thank our chess players for their outstanding performance, for their contribution to the development of corporate sports and for raising the image of our company! Continue your triumphal march in the chess arena! ♟️?